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What is the difference between water slides and general slide

Release date:2016-04-19 11:54:24

What is the difference between water slides and general slide


Water slides roughly divided into two categories, one, with dozens of meters, and even hundreds of meters long ramp large-scale water slides. Secondly, kindergarten is the commonly used the sort of added water utility water slides, the following is the second class.


On the function, water slides besides has the general slide amusement function, also added a lot of water function, like bucket, water lotus leaf, water cannon gun, fountain, water, water wheel, etc. Due to add the function of water, water slides and add more attract the child's interest function.


In planning and production and device of water slides, the difficulty of the water slides is several times than the general slide added. First of all, in the planning of the corrosion resistant planning, general metal stud metal slide channel and other metal parts, only think about general levels of resistance to weathering, salt fog resistance, rust corrosion protection planning. But water slides in the water in the water environment often have a detergent, water and detergent, to slide the metal parts and metal parts, the appearance of the coating has high corrosion effect. Also think high weathering resistance, salt fog resistance, resistant to salt water, rust corrosion resistance, etc. So the water slides is high-grade metal parts in the planning of the corrosion protection. General slide corrosion protection planning is far lower than the sedan, water slides corrosion protection planning is several times higher than the sedan.


In terms of production, water slides to add the function of a lot of water, like a water wheel, water lotus leaf, fountain, water, water cannon gun, buckets, etc. Production add many difficult. In terms of equipment, but also mixed and disorderly.


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